
Festivals and Events

  1. The Sleepless Night
  2. Procession of the Magi: January 5th.
  3. San Sebastián celebrations: January 20th.
  4. Carnival: attended by street musicians, parades and the burial of the sardine.February.
  5. Easter: popular representation of the Passion of Christ with processions.
  6. San Marcos: April 25th. Andalusian Tourist Interest.
  7. Santa Lucía: El Trebolar and Barranco Gurrías. Popular pilgrimage on May 1.
  8. May Crosses: May 3rd.
  9. San Isidro: Barrando Almerín. Closest Sunday to May 15.
  10. Virgen de Fatima: Fuente del Ahijado. Last weekend of May.
  11. San Antonio: Puente del Río. June 13.
  12. San Juan: bonfires and moragas. On the night of June 23rd.
  13. Virgen de la Vega: La Curva. First weekend of July.
  14. Celebrations in honor of the Virgen del Carmen: July 16th.
  15. La Caracola: First weekend of August.
  16. Virgen de los Dolores: Guainos. Second weekend of August.
  17. Virgen de Agosto: Lance de la Virgen. On the weekend closest to August 15.
  18. Moors and Christians Festivities: La Alquería. Last weekend of August.
  19. Fair and Celebrations in honor of the Virgen del Mar and San Nicolás de Tolentino: from 6th to 10th September.